CANCELLED Best Flippin' Superbowl Football Card Show




Sun, Feb 9
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Crowne Plaza Woburn
15 Middlesex Canal Park Drive, Woburn, MA, USA

Tickets from $5.00

Tables from


This event has passed


Our third annual Superbowl Sunday card show that is "football card focused" is right around the corner on Sunday, Feb 9th! If you love football cards, while there will be some other types around the room, more than 75% of what vendors are selling will be of the football variety for this special pop-up event.

The picture above is of last year's SB show held in 2024 and we are the first to admit, it was far too crowded when we featured only 30 tables (and was also hot in the room). So this year around we decided to expand upon the space and will now have 60, 8-ft tables and close to 4000 sq ft for customers to enjoy and walk around. The entrance is in Salon A so its a little closer to come in from the front of the hotel. If you do enter from the back, walk down the hall next to the bathrooms and you will see our entrance table.

The cost to enter is $5 at the door, kids 12 and under are free. The fun begins at 11 AM at the Crowne Plaza Woburn hotel and goes until 4:00. We have ONE big door prize to give away at 2:00 and that is a Drew Bledsoe Playoff 1/1 laundry tag (graded PSA . All of those paying the entry fee are entitled to one ticket for the door prize chance which you must be present to win when the number is called. There may already be bounties out in the room for someone to buy it from you!

Contact us if you have any questions. We may have a public offering of remaining tables for those that do have a lot of football inventory. We are interested in those offering value boxes and/or vintage to help round out the room. For entry, cash/credit cards/Venmo accepted at the door. See you soon!

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